Thursday, October 27, 2011

l is for lemons. l is for love.

I was exhausted the other day after working twelve hours, but something told me there were moments not to be missed. I assessed the energy I could muster and said yes, let's to what was indeed a fantastic visit with one of my dear friends. I was inspired and full of smiles when I put myself to bed late that night. As I was looking through my phone notes the other day it was to my surprise that I found a poem of this experience that I had written just before sleep. I don't generally write poetry, which is to say I don't make time to write poetry. It sings through my head but rarely makes it to paper. Thanks iphone for being bright and shiny and there to snag my words.


She grows lemons sweeter, and
bigger than any you have ever seen
Water sunshine and love are all she needs
and she feeds herself, and her trees daily

Cycle of life reeling, out and
in salty air most things thrive
Exfoliated. Alive. Kettle corn candied lemons,
sweeter than any tart memory in mind

A two block walk to grandpa sams
to give and receive from great grandfathers tree of life
Italian lemons make the sweetest lemonade,
life disposition what one has been given and gave

Family food and smiles
feed the deepest when language bars
Sweet lemons are comfort that heal scars