Saturday, May 14, 2011

a beautiful day.

Today is a beautiful day for many reasons.

I'm alive, the sun is shining, my tulips are finally in full bloom, and today was the first Spokane Farmer's Market of the season. On my bicycle and in a summer dress (yes, it's finally warm enough!) I rode to work to do some baking and then headed downtown to the market to continue my "work" for the day.

The first farmer's market may just be my favorite day of the entire year; it holds the promise of local food soon to come and a reunion with some of my favorite people, those who grow the food that nourishes. I guess it is sort of like going home to a family you have dearly missed: so much to catch up on, and so many hugs, smiles, laughter and joy to share.

Today has been filled thus far with lovely human interactions. This morning a celiac customer who cleaned me out of gingersnap cookies told me that he wanted to "fold me up, put me in his pocket and take me with him." To bake cookies, of course. It was a pretty cute compliment. I love people, and I love the way that my work allows me to interact on a daily basis. It's really all about simple joys, sharing smiles, and building love.

Here's a glimpse into the beauty I encountered when greeting the day.

Tulips are my favorite

I'm off to soak up the sun and experience my city on bicycle.


Friday, May 13, 2011

the Grow Show: building community and parading love

After months of growth and love, The Grow Show is on it's way to Portland to be on display at Bijou Cafe, whereafter it will accumulate carts growing love as it progresses to Tacoma, Olympia, and finally back to it's beginning in Spokane. For the past few weeks I've been lucky to watch the Spokane carts and plants grow in the sunny storefront windows at Fresh Abundance. As all growth is, it has been magical. The Grow Show is a project of Black Rabbit Magic and can be read about in greater detail here.

Last Friday a group of lovelies gathered at Fresh Abundance to parade our carts of love into downtown Spokane arriving at the Kolva Sullivan Gallery where they were on display for First Friday. Guests who viewed the Grow Show were given vegetable starts to take home. I could go on and on about how amazing this was to be a part of, but I think the pictures can tell the story well enough.

If you are in Portland, I highly recommend checking out this show by Black Rabbit Magic.
